Complete Intelligence


How Bain uses alternative data and AI to solve business biggest problems

Richard Lichtenstein of Bain & Company joins us this week to talk about advanced analytics. What is it actually and how can companies and private equity firms use this to make better business decisions? He also shares some B2C and B2B examples and use cases. Also, what are some common barriers for companies to incorporate advanced analytics to their toolset?


Richard Lichtenstein is an expert partner at Bain & Company in New York. He has been at Bain for 17 years and he leads their efforts around advanced analytics and private equity. To get in touch with Richard, please email him at


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This QuickHit episode was recorded on September 10, 2021.


The views and opinions expressed in this Here’s how Bain uses alternative data and AI to solve businesses’ biggest problems QuickHit episode are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Complete Intelligence. Any contents provided by our guest are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any political party, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.


Show Notes


TS: For people that might not be familiar with advanced analytics or what that entails, can you kind of give us an overview of what this encompasses?


RL: At Bain & Company, we have a team of over 50 people that thinks about just how can we use advanced analytics to serve private equity? And so what do all these people do?


Well, we’ve got a bunch of people scouring the world trying to find the latest and greatest and interesting data sources that we can use. And those could be B2B or B2C. And I can talk more about what those are. Right.


Then we have teams of data cleaners, because sometimes those data sources are really messy on credit card data, and they specialize in cleaning them and making them usable for analysis.


Then we have a group of data scientists who are building Python libraries that they can use to take that data and run fairly sophisticated analysis on these over and over again. So these might be looking at retention by cohort or customer lifetime value or understanding switching behavior and things of that nature.


Then we have a group that takes that output and builds ways to automatically turn that in slides or into tableau so that we can get that in front of clients quickly in a form that brings out the insights.


And then lastly, we have some people who just help other people at Bain figure out how to use all this stuff. We get about over a thousand requests a year from teams trying to figure out which tools should I use? Which data source should I use? Et cetera. And so we just have to help them figure out how to do it.


TS: Can you give us some of your use cases, maybe go into a little bit more detail?


RL: Yeah, of course. So in a way, it’s quite different for B2B and B2C, but both of them have a lot of good advanced analytics examples. If we start with B2C, in that environment, there’s a number of interesting alternative data sets that we leverage, things like credit card data, things like e-receipt data. These show us what people are buying online. Sometimes what people are buying in store, where they go. But it goes beyond some of the traditional data sources, like Nielsen and IRI, and actually shows you what customers are doing. What happens at the customer level. And that allows you to learn some really interesting things.


So, for example, we’ve done some work recently with a fast food restaurant chain. And they’re trying to figure out why are we losing share? We were able to see well among people who are going to your restaurant less often or stopped going, a lot of them were going to Chick-Fil-A. And this isn’t a restaurant that sells chicken. So they hadn’t really thought of them as a competitor. But they are. And that was news to them. Or we did similar work for a coffee chain, and they thought they were losing to McDonald’s on the low-end for coffee. But it turned out, actually, that Starbucks was also a threat to them on the high-end. That help them to figure out strategy. But for private equity investor in these companies, it tells them a lot about the business and where to go.


TS: You wrote a piece last year on like Wayfair and how they used advanced analytics to understand that it was like on the precipice of rapid growth. So what kind of other data or companies using to better understand their market?


RL: Yeah. The Wayfair analysis was really quite interesting. So it’s a great example here. So that’s. And in that case, it was understanding the customer behavior that we were seeing. This was early in COVID, right before the huge spike that we all know now happened. And we were just seeing people coming to Wayfair for the first time. We had never been there before, buying stuff. We were seeing people coming back with great retention. And we were able to observe these kinds of customer metrics at completely outside in.


And that gave our client confidence to make an investment there. One of the other ways we can use analytics there. So we’re working with, you know, another company that’s in a similar space. And so one of the things you can see with this data is because you can see what people are actually buying, you can see what they’re buying from the competition.


So, for example, you could see what are customers who like to shop on Wayfair buying at Overstock or buying a Target or IKEA. And then you could say, Well, if you’re Wayfairer, you then say, well, maybe we need to stock those products. Right. So maybe we should think of adding them. Or maybe we had a stock out on that product for a little bit. And that cost us a business. And so we need to think about our inventory.


And so you can quickly. You can quickly think about your customers differently. At the same time if you’re a brand, obviously, you can use this data to get much better analytics than you ever could about who’s buying your products. Because previously, if you’re a brand and you’re selling online, you don’t know anything about your customers. And now you can start to understand loyalty and things like that.


TS: Have you found any big issues for companies using advanced analytics like it’s hard to access data. It seems fairly sophisticated. So is there a barrier to understanding this kind of data and how it’s presented?


RL: Yeah. I mean, I would say it’s not really for the faint of heart in terms of diving into advanced analytics. If you’re an individual company or an individual private equity firm, it’s hard to really dive in to the degree that we have for a few reasons.


One is there’s a lot of data sources out there. If you go to one of these conferences, there are hundreds of these sources out there, and then there’s more even if you don’t even go to these conferences, right. There’s a lot of sources. It’s hard to figure out which ones are good, which ones really have sufficient sample size and data quality. And these sources also come and go.


Sometimes you might have a source that you really like, and sometimes they disappear or the quality degrades. And what have you. And so you need to maintain a rotating stable of sources. And you need to think a lot about sourcing them. And again, we have people whose job is just to figure that out, which is hard for an individual company to do. And then you also need armies of people to figure out how to use the data in productive ways.


Again, at Bain, we’ve set all that up, but there is a high fixed cost associated with it. And so I think it’s a little self-serving. But I think my view would be that if you’re a firm and you want to get your feet wet in this kind of data, you’re better off partnering with a company like us, like Bain & Company or someone else who’s already got all this figured out and see what insights are possible. What can I really learn doing this? How can this help me make smarter business or investing decisions?


And then once you’ve figured that out, then sort of and you got a narrower focus, then figure out how can you get that on a recurring date? Get a feed of that on a recurring basis versus trying to start from scratch.


TS: Right. That absolutely makes sense. Did you have anything else that you wanted to add to give us any broader scope of your company?


RL: Yeah. The one other thing I might mention, it’s easy to get. And I mean, I just fell into this trap. It’s easy to get sucked into the B2C examples because they’re so enticing and easy to under stand. But I do think there is a lot of exciting work and B2B that we see. And so just to give a couple of quick examples.


One, I think is around people analytics. So that’s an area that’s really come a long way in the last few years. And there’s a lot you can do outside and to understand at a company who works there, what those people do, what’s their turnover and how does that change? And that’s actually enabled a lot of interesting insights. Just to give an example that we did a recent diligence on a software company that served, did a complex sort of B2B type of software.


And the company we looked at was cloud native, and there was a legacy software provider in the space who had been there forever and was slowly developing cloud functionality.


And there was a big question of, well, how fast are they going to catch up? At the moment the cloud native company was ahead. But obviously, the question is could they maintain advantage forever? And so we just looked at the people data, and we saw that our target, the cloud company had a hundred people there and software engineers doing R&D, and the legacy company had 200 people doing it. And so I mean, you sort of figure, well, if one company’s got 200 people and one’s got 100, the 200 person, and it’s going to catch up at some point.


TS: Right.


RL: And I don’t know if it’s in a year or two years, but certainly within the holding period, you have to worry about them reaching parody. And that was not a super complicated insight, but one that had a big impact on thinking about the investment. And if you bought the company, what kind of investment in R&D is required? Just an example.


TS: I was actually I was looking at your site. What is the founder’s mentality?


RL: So that’s a great question. I mean, I will admit, I’m not the expert on founder’s mentality. That was a book that Jimmy Allen wrote. That’s a great book. And if you can get him on your show, he’s far more articulate on this than I am.


But the idea of the founder’s mentality is that, you know, founders can bring a certain sort of secret sauce to their companies and create a dynamic and innovative culture. And that once they leave, sometimes that dynamism can erode and things can become more bureaucratic and ossified. And it can be harder for companies to innovate.


And I think that that is actually, it’s interesting you mention that because this is actually something that’s come up in some of the work that I’ve been doing. One of the ways you can apply this data is in sourcing. So you can help a fund scan the ocean of companies out there and find, you know, of the millions and millions of companies, here’s a sector that’s interesting. And here’s a sub sector. And then within that here are companies that meet our specific thesis and so forth.


One type of thesis that we see sometimes is they’re interested in companies that are still led by the original founder or sometimes they’re interested in companies where the founders just left very recently. And there is an opportunity to think about the culture in a different way.


And we’ve actually built some tools that allow you to look at which companies have founders that have just recently left right. And that was something that at least the fund that we worked with on that, that was very exciting as they look for opportunities. So anyway, that’s the concept. And that’s at least how it fits into my world.


TS: I got it. It seems very interesting. And did you have anything else? We’re going to wrap this up here in a minute. So did you have anything else you wanted to add?


RL: No. I mean, I think we covered the main point. The main thing I would just say to people who are thinking about this is the world of alternative data is really exciting. And the insights that are possible today that just we’re not possible even a year ago.


So it’s really moving fast. We’re signing a new data source practically every month, at least. So it’s great. But it’s also very complicated and tricky and hard to navigate. And again, it sounds self serving. But we strongly recommend that if you’re waiting into this for the first time, you talk to people like us at Bain & Company to really understand specifically how this stuff can help, because often it’s hard to sort of just talk to a data provider. And then from that conversation, really figure out if they’re going to be the right fit. So anyway, we’re here to help, of course.


TS: If people want to contact you, how would they go about contacting you or.


RL: Sure. I mean, I’m happy to have someone reach out to me. I’m certainly here to talk to anyone who wants to think about this, how they can use alternative data. It’s is an easy way to get in touch with me. And I’m happy to talk to anyone again who wants to think about this stuff.


So thanks for the time, Tracy. Really appreciate it. And hope somebody out there who sees this gives me a call.


TS: Absolutely. Thanks again, Richard. We really appreciate everything you’ve shared with us today.


And for everyone watching, please don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and we look forward to seeing you on the next QuickHit.

News Articles

Top 12 AI Use Cases: Artificial Intelligence in FinTech

We’ve scoped out these real-world AI use cases so we could detail how artificial intelligence has been a game-changer for FinTech. Few verticals are such a perfect match for the improved capabilities brought by the AI revolution like the financial sector.


Traditional financial services have always struggled with massive volumes of records that need to be handled with maximum accuracy.


However, before the advent of AI and the rise of Fintech companies, very few giants of this industry had the bandwidth to deal with the inherently quantitative nature of this world. (Read Fintech’s Future: AI and Digital Assets in Financial Institutions.)


Banks alone are expected to spend $5.6 billion USD on AI and Machine Learning (ML) solutions in 2019 — just a fraction of what they’re expecting to earn since the profits generated may reach up to $250 billion USD in value.


From automating the most menial and repetitive tasks to free up the time to focus on higher-level objectives, to assisting with customer service management and reducing the risk of frauds, AI is employed from back-office tasks to the frontend with nimbleness and agility.



1. Fraud Detection and Compliance


According to the Alan Turing Institute, with $70 billion USD spent by banks on compliance each year just in the U.S., the amount of money spent on fraud is staggering. And when the number of reported cases of payments-related fraud has increased by 66% between 2015 and 2016 in the United Kingdom, it’s clear how this problem is much more than a momentary phenomenon.


AI is a groundbreaking technology in the battle against financial fraud. ML algorithms are able to analyze millions of data points in a matter of seconds to identify anomalous transactional patterns. Once these suspicious activities are isolated, it’s easy to determine whether they were just mistakes that somehow made it through the approval workflow or traces of a fraudulent activity.


Mastercard launched its newest Decision Intelligence (DI) technology to analyze historical payments data from each customer to detect and prevent credit card fraud in real time. Companies such as Data Advisor are employing AI to detect a new form of cybercrime based on exploiting the sign-up bonuses associated with new credit card accounts.


Even the Chinese giant Alibaba employed its own AI-based fraud detection system in the form of a customer chatbot — Alipay.



2. Improving Customer Support


Other than health, no other area is more sensitive than people’s financial well-being. A critical, but often overlooked, application of AI in the finance industry is customer service. Chatbots are already a dominating force in nearly all other verticals, and are already starting to gain some ground in the world of banking services, as well. (Read We Asked IT Pros How Enterprises Will Use Chatbots in the Future. Here’s What They Said.)


Companies like Kasisto, for example, built a new conversational AI that is specialized in answering customer questions about their current balance, past expenses, and personal savings. In 2017, Alibaba’s Ant Financial’s chatbot system reported to exceed human performance in customer satisfaction.


Alipay’s AI-based customer service handles 2 million to 3 million user queries per day. As of 2018, the system completed five rounds of queries in one second.


Other companies, such as Tryg, used conversational AI techs such as to provide the right resolutive answer to 97% of all internal chat queries. Tryg’s own conversational AI, Rosa, works as an incredibly efficient virtual agent that substitutes inexperienced employees with her expert advice.


Virtual agents are able to streamline internal operations by amplifying the capacity and quality of traditional outbound customer support. For example LogMeIn’s Bold360 was instrumental in reducing the burden of the Royal Bank of Scotland’s over 30,000 customer service agents customer service who had to ask between 650,000 and 700,000 questions every month.


The same company also developed the AI-powered tool AskPoli to answer all the challenging and complex questions asked by Fannie Mae’s customers.



3. Preventing Account Takeovers


As a huge portion of our private identity has now become somewhat public, in the last two decades cybercriminals have learned many new ways to use counterfeit or steal private data to access other people’s accounts.


Account Takeovers (ATOs) account for at least $4 billion USD in losses every year, with nearly 40% of all frauds occurred in 2018 in the e-commerce sector being due to identity thefts and false digital identities.


Smartphones appear to be the weakest link in the chain in terms of security, so the number of mobile phone ATO incidents rose by 180% from 2017 to 2018.


New AI-powered platforms have been created such as the DataVisor Global Intelligence Network (GIN) to prevent these cyber threats, ranging from social engineering, password spraying, and credential stuffing, to plain phone hijacking.


This platform is able to collect and aggregate enormous amounts of data including IP addresses, geographic locations, email domains, mobile device types, operating systems, browser agents, phone prefixes, and more collected from a global database of over 4 billion users.


Once digested, this massive dataset is analyzed to detect any suspicious activity, and then prevent or remediate account takeovers.


4. Next-gen Due Diligence Process


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) due diligence is a cumbersome and intensive process, requiring a huge workload, enormous volumes of paper documents, and large physical rooms to store the data. Today the scope of due diligence is now even broader, encompassing IT, HR, intellectual property, tax information, regulatory issues, and much more.


AI and ML are revolutionizing it to overcome all these difficulties.


Merrill has recently implemented these smart technologies in its due diligence platform DatasiteOne to redact documents and halve the time required for this task. Data rooms have been virtualized, paper documents have been substituted with digital content libraries, and advanced analytics is saving dealmakers’ precious time by streamlining the whole process.



5. Fighting Against Money Laundering


Detecting previously unknown money laundering and terrorist financing schemes is one of the biggest challenges faced by banks across the world. The most sophisticated financial crime patterns are stealthy enough to get over the rigid conventional rules-based systems employed by many financial institutions.


The lack of public datasets that are large enough to make reliable predictions makes fighting against money laundering even more complicated, and the number of false positive results is unacceptably high.


Artificial neural networks (ANN) and ML algorithms consistently outperform any traditional statistic method in detecting suspicious events. The company ThetaRay used advanced unsupervised ML algorithms in tandem with big data analytics to analyze multiple data sources, such as current customer behavior vs. historical behavior.


Eventually, their technology was able to detect the most sophisticated money laundering and terrorist financing pattern, which included transfers from tax-havens countries, abnormal cash deposits in high risk countries, and multiple accounts controlled by common beneficiaries used to hide cash transfers.



6. Data-Driven Client Acquisition


Just like in any other sector where several players fight to sell their services to the same customer base, competition exists even among banks. Efficient marketing campaigns are vital to acquire new clients, and AI-powered tools may assist through behavioral intelligence to acquire new clients.


Continuously learning AI can digest new scientific research, news, and global information to ascertain public sentiment and understand drivers of churn and customer acquisition.


Companies such as SparkBeyond can classify customer wallets into micro-segments to establish finely-tuned marketing campaigns and provide AI-driven insights on the next best offers.


Others such as LelexPrime make full use of behavioral science technology to decode the fundamental laws that govern human behaviors. Then, the AI provide the advice required to make sure that a bank’s products, marketing and communications align best with their consumer base’s needs.



7. Computer Vision and Bank Surveillance


According to the FBI, in the United States Federal Reserve system banks alone are targeted by nearly 3,000 robberies every year. Computer vision-based applications can be used to enhance the security and surveillance systems implemented in all those places and vehicles where a lot of money is stashed (banks, credit unions, armored carriers, etc.).


One example is Chooch AI, which used to monitor sites, entries, exists, actions of people, and vehicles. Visual AI is better than human eye to capture small details such as license plates and is able to recognize human faces, intruders and animal entering the site.


It can even raise a red flag whenever unidentified people or vehicles are present for a suspicious time within a certain space.



8. Easing the Account Reconciliation Process


Account reconciliation is a major pain point in the financial close process. Virtually every business must face some level of account reconciliation challenge since it’s an overly tedious and complex process that must be handled via manual or Excel based processes.


Because of this, errors are way too common even when this problem is dealt with rule-based approaches. In fact, other than being extremely expensive to set up due to complicated system integration and coding, they tend to break when the data changes or new use cases are introduced and need on-going maintenance.


SigmaIQ developed its own reconciliation engine built on machine learning. The system is able to understand data at a much higher level, allowing for a greater degree of confidence in matching, and is able to learn from feedback.


As humans “teach” the system what is a match and what is not, the AI will learn and improve its performance over time, eliminating the need to pre-process data, add classifications, or update the system when data changes.



9. Automated Bookkeeping Systems


Small business owners are often distracted by the drudgery of the back-office — an endless series of chores which take away a lot of valuable business time. AI-powered automated bookkeeping solutions such as the ones created by ScaleFactor or Botkeeper are able to assist SMB owners in back-office tasks, from accounting to managing payrolls.


Using a combination of ML and custom rules, processes, and calculations, the system can combine various data sources to identify transaction patterns and categorize expenses automatically. JP Morgan Chase is also employing its own Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate all kind of repetitive tasks such as extracting data, capturing documents, comply with regulations, and speed up the cash management process.



10. Algorithmic Trading


Although the first “Automated Trading Systems” (ATSs) trace their history back to the 1970’s, algorithmic trading has now reached new heights thanks to the evolution of the newer AI systems.


In fact, other than just implementing a set of fixed rules to trade on the global markets, modern ATSs can learn data structure via machine learning and deep learning, and calibrate their future decisions accordingly.


Their predicting power is becoming more accurate each day, with most hedge funds and financial institutions such as Numerai and JP Morgan keeping their proprietary systems undisclosed for obvious reasons.


ATSs are used in high-frequency trading (HFT), a subset of algorithmic trading that generates millions of trades in a day. Sentient Technologies’ ATS, for example, is able to reduce 1,800 days of trading to just a few minutes. Other than for their speed, they are appreciated for their ability to perform trades at the best prices possible, and near-zero risk of committing the errors made by humans under psychological pressure.


Their presence on the global markets is pervasive to say the least. It has been estimated that nowadays, computers generate 50-70% of equity market trades, 60% of futures trades and 50% of Treasuries. Automated trading is also starting to move beyond HFT arbitrage and into more complex strategic investment methodologies.


For example, adaptive trading is used for rapid financial market analysis and reaction since machines can quickly elaborate financial data, establish a trading strategy and act upon the analysis in real-time.



11. Predictive Intelligence Analytics and the Future of Forecasting


Accurate cash forecasting are particularly important for treasury professionals to properly fund their distribution accounts, make timely decisions for borrowing or investing, maintain target balances, and satisfy all regulatory requirements. However, a 100% accurate forecasting is a mirage when data from internal ERPs is so complicate to standardize, centralize, and digitize — let alone extract some meaningful insight from it. It’s clearly a financial forecasting challenge.


Even the most skilled human professional can’t forecast outside factors and can hardly take into consideration the myriad of variables required for a perfect correlation and regression analysis.


Predictive intelligence analytics applies ML, data mining and modeling to historical and real-time quantitative techniques to predict future events and enhance cash forecast. AI is able to pick hidden patterns that humans can’t recognize, such as repetitions in the attributes of the payments that consist of just random sequences of numbers and letters.


The most advanced programs such as the ones employed by Actualize Consulting will use business trends to pull valuable insights, optimize business models, and forecast a company’s activity.


Others such as the one deployed by Complete Intelligence reduce error rate to less than 5-10% from 20–30%.



12. Detecting Signs of Discrimination and Harassment


Strongman and sexist power dynamics still exist in financial services, especially since it’s an industry dominated prevalently by males. While awareness has increased, 40% of people who filed discrimination complaints with the EEOC reported that they were retaliated against, meaning that the vast majority of those who are victimized are simply too scared to blow the whistle.


AI can provide a solution by understanding subtle patterns of condescending language, or other signals that suggest harassment, victimization, and intimidation within the communication flows of an organization.


Receptiviti is a new platform that can be integrated with a company’s email and messaging systems to analyze language that may contain traces of toxic behaviors. Algorithms have been instructed with decades of research into language and psychology that analyze how humans subconsciously leak information about their cognitive states, levels of stress, fatigue, and burnout.


A fully automated system, no human will ever read the data to preserve full anonymity and privacy.



Final Thoughts


In the financial sector, AI can serve a multitude of different purposes, including all those use cases we already mentioned in our paper about the insurance industry. AI and ML are incredibly helpful to ease many cumbersome operations, improve customer experience, and even help employees understand what a customer will most-likely be calling about prior to ever picking up the phone.


These technologies can either substitute many human professionals by automating the most menial and repetitive tasks, or assist them with forecasts and market predictions.


In any case, they are already spearheading innovation in this vertical with the trailblazing changes they keep bringing every day.



Written by Claudio Buttice

Dr. Claudio Butticè, Pharm.D., is a former clinical and hospital pharmacist who worked for several public hospitals in Italy, as well as for the humanitarian NGO Emergency. He is now an accomplished book author who has written on topics such as medicine, technology, world poverty, and science. His latest book is “Universal Health Care” (Greenwood Publishing, 2019).

A data analyst and freelance journalist as well, many of his articles have been published in magazines such as CrackedThe ElephantDigital JournalThe Ring of Fire, and Business Insider. Dr. Butticè also published pharmacology and psychology papers on several clinical journals, and works as a medical consultant and advisor for many companies across the globe.

Full Bio


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