Complete Intelligence


Trade Wars


26 May  2019

The trade war between the US and China is boiling up again. David takes a closer look at what’s happening between these two economic powerhouses with Tony Nash, founder of “Complete Intelligence.” David and Tony discuss ongoing government subsidies to Chinese companies and if the US has a “Plan B” for imports. Get more acquainted with the trade war and find out what it means for your portfolio.


Visual (Videos)

Trade Wars: The Cautious View on China

16 May 2019 | Real Vision

Tony Nash, founder of Complete Intelligence, sifts through the noise regarding the trade war and discusses his current view on China. He highlights the extreme buildup in debt over the past 20 years, discusses the country’s poor demographics, and reviews where he thinks the Chinese Yuan is headed next, in this interview with Jake Merl.


News Articles

China’s population could peak in 2023, here’s why that matters

03 May 2019

The world’s largest country by population could hit a ceiling six years earlier than expected, a new report predicts.

China’s population is likely to peak in 2023, according to a study by online database company Global Demographics and analytics firm Complete Intelligence.


Procreative destruction

02 May 2019 | Editorials

China can scale a 2023 population peak. A new study suggests the country’s populace may top out in about four years, earlier than expected. That’s disheartening for the likes of Mattel, Lego and education companies. But it also reflects a richer, better-educated nation. That, and a workforce bolstered by employees who stay on longer, may soften the blow.

News Articles

China’s population to peak in 2023, five years earlier than official estimates, new research shows

02 May 2019
Findings suggest Beijing waited too long to abandon the one-child policy, founder of one of the firms behind the report says. China’s population will peak in 2023, five years earlier than official forecasts, according to a new report.

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