Complete Intelligence


Jackson Hole – An eye peeled for dissent

22 August 2019
On Market watch today we speak to Tony Nash, CEO of Complete Intelligence, about his expectations out of the Jackson Hole Symposium this Friday, as well as his thoughts on China, a potential US-Japan partial trade deal, and its impact on the Japanese economy.

On rate cuts: follow the leader

8 August 2019

We speak to Tony Nash, Chief Economist and CEO of Complete Intelligence, on the decisions of central banks of New Zealand, India and Thailand to cut interest rates, the PBOC’s motivation to set its reference rate for the yuan, and whether investors will be holding on to the greenback as a safe haven currency.

News Articles

Donald Trump could be ‘laying groundwork for more tariffs’ by labelling China a currency manipulator

6 August 2019 | South China Morning Post

There is no direct US legal provision linking currency manipulation with more tariffs, but it does free the US president up to take more unilateral action. Other courses of action include a ban on US government procurement from China, an end to trade talks and an investigation by the International Monetary Fund

Tony Nash, the CEO of research firm Complete Intelligence, said that Trump is unlikely to change trajectory at this point and that the issue is “not about Chinese yuan in isolation”.

“You are talking about subsidies, non-tariff barriers, currency, everything, and everything [Trump’s] talking about is related to the well-being of American workers,” Nash said. “Trump has started bundling things that you cannot unbundle.”

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