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Huawei chief fights extradition to the US - Complete Intelligence

Complete Intelligence


Huawei chief fights extradition to the US

Huawei chief operating officer appears in a Canadian court to fight extradition to the United States on charges of fraud and breaching sanctions on Iran.


The United States Census for 2020 is launched in Alaska, an important exercise for economic planning – we hear from Gabriel Layman, the Chief Operating Officer of Cook Inlet Housing Authority, about the quirks of gathering such huge amounts of information.


And baseball is hit by a cheating scandal which could prompt advertisers to walk. And in Japan, a major restaurant chain is feeling the effects of the country’s ageing population.


We discuss all this with live guests Sushma Ramachandran, an independent business journalist for The Tribune newspaper in Delhi, and Tony Nash, chief economist at Complete Intelligence in Houston, Texas.


Listen to the podcast at BBC Business Matters.

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